Our Guide On How to Buy the Best Study Lamps

Study Lamps are more than just a light, it’s like your buddy that is there when you need him the most. They are meant for special purposes like studying or working on your laptop. So for that reason, you need the right amount of light focusing on a specific area. At the same time, you want to make sure that there isn’t too much light that might strain your eyes. So you need to make sure that you have the right size, shape, and design.

Buying study lamps might seem like an easy task, but believe me, it does get a bit confusing. Since there are so many options available in the market. You also want to make sure that it falls under your budget. You don’t want to end up spending a lot of money, but then again you don’t mind spending some extra bucks for the one that you really like. So in order to help you find the one that will meet your unique requirements, we have made a small list of things that you should keep in mind when looking for a study lamp online.

Protect Your Eyesight

Even though natural light is the best light when it comes to reading. In case you don’t have access to sufficient amounts of natural light. Then we would suggest that you get yourself study lamps. In absence of proper lighting, your eyes can suffer severely, and you might even develop an eye-related ailment such as short-sightedness or long sightedness. Your vision can also get a bit blurry over a period of time.

The Right Colour Temperature

When looking for study lamps, try getting a study lamp that is as close as it can be to the natural light of the sun. Some people might assume that the natural light is yellow, actually, it is white with a hue of blue. Studying for long hours under such lighting conditions can prevent your eyes from straining. This way you can carry on doing your work without having to worry about your eyesight.

Use The Layering Technique

The trick is to use combinations of study lamps with different lighting. It’s called layering, a gentler light mixed with more focused light. This again has numerous benefits for your eyesight and prevents your eyes from getting harmed in any way. By using such a combination of lights, you can create a perfect balance of lights, that will make it much easier for you to focus.

Find Out the Exact Lumen Capacity

While buying study lamps people are often concerned about the total number of Watts. People often ignore the efficiency of the lumens. Now the number of Watts dictates how much energy your study lamp is going to consume. However, the lumens tell you exactly how bright the light is going to be. So we would advise you to check the lumen capacity of your lamp. In order to make sure that you get the best table lamp for study.

Get Rid of the Shadows

Last but not the least, you should try and get rid of any shadows in your room. Oftentimes when you are reading under the light of study lamps. Your eyes find it difficult to adjust to the different shades of light in your room, especially when there are a lot of shadows in the room. That can also cause your eyes to strain and eventually affect your eyesight in the long run. So we would recommend that you have more than one light in your room.


Study lamps are considered very important especially in your college days. Even when you have completed your graduation and you are working. There are times when you have to bring your work home and you end up spending long hours under the Study lamp. So it is of utmost importance that you get yourself a lamp that meets your needs. You don’t want to compromise when it comes to protecting your eyesight. A lamp with insufficient or unbalanced lighting can have serious effects on your eyes. We hope that our guide will come in handy when you are planning to buy yourself a study table lamp online.

Also read about Floor Lamp, Chandeliers, Ceiling Lights, outdoor wall Light, Dining Table Design and Office Chair.

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