Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

The energy bills are skyrocketing indeed. Hence, it is about time that we start thinking about energy-efficient consumption in our homes and offices. Converting your home to an energy-efficient one can help you save tons on your monthly budget. 

You can start from the lighting in your house to insulating the walls to installing smart appliances and devices. All of these efforts together will make your home energy-efficient in no time. 

Here are our top seven exclusive tips and ways that will help you convert your current home to an energy-efficient one. Come thank us later for the money you will be saving. Keep reading till the end. 

Completely seal all the windows in your house

The windows and the frames of your house doors have enough space to lose all the heat in your house during the freezing winters. It also keeps your house warm during summers. 

These spaces cost you a heavy amount in retaining the heat or cool air throughout the year. Even though the traditional windows with aluminum, look pretty aesthetically but they are not best at doing an energy-efficient job.

If your home is under-construction then it is best to opt for viny or double framed windows. They are known to retain heat inside the house during winters and keep the house cool during summers. 

You can also get all your windows tinted. This will prove to be highly energy-efficient. You can always open your curtains during the winters to let sunlight through. 

Keep your walls insulated  

Getting your walls insulated is the easiest way to make your home energy-efficient. Simply put an added layer of insulation in your walls, windows, flooring, and ceilings.

The additional insulation layers will put an air trap in between the wall that will act as an insulator itself retaining the warm air during winters and cool air during summers. You will be surprised to see a 25% decrease in your monthly bills. Not bad, right?

However, this should be done by a professional company since this is a job that requires experience and expertise.

There are usually three types of insulation for your walls that you can opt for:

  • Expanded Polystyrene
  • Phenolic Resin
  • Mineral Wool

Invest in energy-efficient appliances

Since appliances have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives, we at times do not realize the amount of energy they consume. These appliances take the largest toll on our monthly bills.  

This includes the dishwasher, washing machine, electric ovens, electric stoves, air-conditioners, and water heaters. However, there are energy-efficient alternatives available in the market that you can opt for. 

Invest in the best electric tankless water heaters and see for yourself how much you will save your electricity bills. Even though the alternate appliance option may be expensive to buy but they are cost-effective in the long run. 

Get all the power-saving light fixtures in your house

Many countries across the globe have made it a compulsion for homeowners to install power-saving light fixtures around the house which include energy-saving bulbs etc. In fact, many of these countries provide power-saving light options for free to promote energy-efficiency.

If you wish to opt for energy-efficient options in your home, then you must replace all the lighting in your house with energy-efficient bulbs which will last longer and save you on your bills at the same time. At least try replacing the most frequently used lighting in your house with energy-savers. 

Go completely solar

The initial investment for solar panels is highly expensive but the long-term advantages are infinite. They are highly durable and their energy-efficiency is remarkable. 

Even though your pockets may become empty for the time being, but you will be saving multiple folds on your energy costs for years or life-long. Solar panels harness the energy from the sun and convert it to electricity. The solar panels can also be used to heat water instead of a heater. 

Invest in energy-efficient bathroom fixtures

Bathroom fixtures can be made energy-efficient to manage the flow of water helping to conserve it. The dual flush toilet seats, energy-efficient washing machines, and showers can help reduce water usage to a minimum level. 

Get the best electric tankless water plumbers to guide you in this aspect. These professionals know what works best. 

Get an efficient heating system for your home

According to experts, the temperature of water in your home should remain in the range of 120 to 140 degrees. It should not go beyond this range to manage energy-efficiency in your home. 

There certain smart water heaters that will keep the water in your pipes warm for long stretches of time so that the circulating pipes do not dissipate heat. 

You can also invest in smart hot water circulating pipes that will only provide hot water when the faucet is switched on. This helps greatly in reducing water wastage. 

Before You Leave

If you are thinking that turning your home into an energy-efficient one requires a huge investment, then do not worry. You do not have to take the burden of investing in all the mentioned tips all at once. Do these tasks one by one.  

Start by the easiest and cheapest and build up your way one by one. Remember that energy efficiency does not happen overnight. You may have to save a lot before you can opt for certain options such as solar panels.

In addition to the budget, you also need to do a lot of research and study before you turn your home into an energy-efficient one. However, all this hard work will pay off in the long run.

Bonus Tip 

You can retain and use the rainwater during the monsoon season to water your garden and plants. Go for light colored ceilings so that it does not dissipate heat to the surroundings.  

In fact, go to a nursery and buy some plants or tall trees and plan them in every corner of your house. The plants will provide shade and keep your house cool during summers and warm during winters.

All of the above tasks can be done without requiring a lot of manual labor. Simple steps can go a long way in making your home energy-efficient. 

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