The right packaging can make or break your product. That’s why it’s important to get your retail packaging design right. If you’re not sure where to start, you’ve come to the right article!
We’ve rounded up 6 of the best tips for designing retail packaging. From making sure your logo stands out to getting the most bang for your buck, this is a must-read for any e-commerce entrepreneur looking to scale up their business.
To fully capitalize on branding your product, you also need to get the retail packaging right. Unfortunately, 80% of all products sold in America are packaged the way they’re sold in the store. According to Packaging Magazine, 56% of all companies still misplace packaging, and that one-third fail to recycle packaging materials. Many retailers are unaware that their unbranded product inventory can move to another retailer—say they’re in the same department store as their product—and cause them to drop a custom retail packaging boxes of product on the floor.
1. Stand out with the right color scheme
2. Make sure your logo stands out
3. Get creative with your product design
4. Add value to your design by including extras like freebies
5. Don’t forget about the price tag!
6. Use quality materials to ensure that your products are protected at all times
1. Stand out with the right color scheme
Choosing a color scheme for your logo is one of the most important parts of logo design. A color scheme includes two colors: a primary color and a secondary color. The primary color will be the most dominant color in your logo. The secondary color will be used in your logo but will be used less often than the primary color. White is a common primary color, and you shouldn’t go with a deep teal, Navy or Gray. Grey would be an okay secondary color that can stand out compared to most of your competitors.
How Do I Know Which Product My Logo is for?
Before you can choose a color scheme, you’ll have to decide which product your logo is for. What does your product do? Does it sell itself? Is it the perfect fit for your target market? What makes it so amazing that potential customers would buy from you? Those are the questions you need to answer.
Here are some hacks for getting an idea of what your product’s logos works:
By using a product color and a saturation checker tool like this one, you can get an intuitive sense of what white, black, and gray look good.
How Do I Know Which Logo/Packaging Format is Best For me?
There are a ton of ways to use design software for product packaging design. Don’t fret about finding the right software; it’s completely possible to custom-build a custom e-commerce website with just a few pieces of design software.
Single-sided: This is the default format for most e-commerce websites.
2. Make sure your logo stands out
Your logo is an important part of your brand. A logo may not be the first thing people see, but it’s the first thing they think of when they think of your brand. Keep your logo simple and make sure it stands out.
Though you may think that social media is a way to get links, more than people want to share content on social media sites. People want to have a seamless experience when they’re looking at your site. When you answer all the questions, they have with this CTA. They have a better experience.
It is considered an art to making a clear and catchy headline. Check this out:
You’re probably walking around your office right now thinking, “I’m tired of design and colors. Let’s bring in the Bauer’s from Main Street Market!”
Being consistent with your color scheme will optimize your page loading speed. Color matters — besides providing a unique look and feel that attracts traffic. Subsequently, making sure your colors and branding complement each other is essential.
It’s a must-read for any freelancer or freelance designer; it’s all about the conversion. Make sure a clear call to action is served and that it catches visitors’ attention.
3. Get creative with your product design
One way to stand out in a saturated market and get in front of consumers who might not be in the market for your product at that moment is to get creative with your product design. For example, here’s an amazing product that I came across in a recent issue of Entrepreneur: The Ostrich Pillow.
The Ostrich Pillow is a throwback, but it still comes together well in the modern world. The design integrates social media sharing into the background allowing users to “like” and share their creation on Facebook. The pillow is simple to assemble and throws in the modern throwback styling perfectly.
When that happens, an unbranded product is effectively abandoned and never found by the customer.
Should you throw away the box? No, tossing it in the trash is not an option. You need to take action to make sure that these unbranded items don’t end up in landfills. Your first step to getting out of the box is to create a unique retrieval process for these undeliverable products. Check out this step-by-step guide to take them back to your warehouse.
4. Add value to your design by including extras like freebies
Your design should be able to stand on its own, but by including extras like freebies, you can add value to your design. Freebies are great for building your audience and bringing in new customers. You can include freebies with your design in the form of printable, eBooks, or bonuses for pre-orders. In fact, we’ve used a printable for the Lobster Cardigan below.
Multi-color shrink tube
Shrinking space is at a premium, and an effective way to keep your product front and center is to use multi-colored shrink tubes for sales. Creating a sense of scarcity increases your sales and gives customers something to “look forward to.”
A strong call to action
A great call-to-action on a product page is key to getting your product in front of the right people. It should also fit the overall timeline of the campaign nicely. When visitors arrive on your product page, they should know what’s in it for them. Include information in the form of a CTA, like free shipping or product returns.
Product Videos
Product videos are incredibly effective. They help your product stand out from others without distracting from the experience. There are so many useful ways to include product videos on your site. We’ve collected several suggestions, including interviews, disclaimer videos, product gallery tours, and product reviews.
Live Chat
The world is your customer’s oyster, and word-of-mouth sales are as effective as buying a product directly from the company. Another great way to encourage a strong customer experience is to have a live chat. This allows customers to socialize with the company and can streamline customer support when problems arise.
When you’re really pressed for time, it can be worth investing in additional resources like webinars, guides, and downloadable case studies. These extra steps are going to make a big difference when you’re trying to sell higher volumes of products.
5. Don’t forget about the price tag!
It’s very easy to get fixated on the features of your product or service and forget about the price. When you’re talking about your product or service, don’t forget to mention the price; this goes for the actual price tag, the monthly price, and anything else related to the price.
1. Great Logo Packaging supports Brand Awareness and Is Social
This is something I really always put a lot of stock in. If I’m traveling to a location where I am unfamiliar with the market, or if I’m just visiting my hometown for the first time, I want to feel as comfortable as possible walking around in that city. Even if I’m just shopping nearby, it’s important to know the feel of the design. Don’t ask me how a person obtains their product. I’m just going to glance at the store and decide if I’m getting the right fit and then make my decision.
I’d go as far as to say that the logo/logo packaging is more important than the product sold in that store. Even if you’re talking about the product itself, you still want to make sure it fits and looks good. The logo simply acts as a springboard for other brand assets you may want to include on your site and overall shopping experience. I highly recommend using the current logos that you are working on to create the beautiful package you’re going for.
You can go to any search engine and search for digital print packaging solutions near me. You will get the best solutions at affordable rates with the best quality around. Some of these tips may seem like common sense, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less important! Take the time to get the packaging right, and it will pay off in the end.
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