Heat Sensitivity After A Traumatic Brian Injury

Traumatic brain injuries can have long-lasting effects on how our brains process and interpret information. A common complaint of people with traumatic brain injury is that they often feel hot, or suffer from what is called heat sensitivity. As you might imagine, heat sensitivity intensifies during the warm summer months, and if left untreated, it can actually increase the risk of severe heat stroke. In today’s blog, we explain why heat sensitivity can occur after traumatic brain injury and how you can treat it.

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Heat Sensitivity and TBIs.

Your body is constantly busy regulating its temperature, and all of this happens behind the scenes in your brain. This temperature regulation is controlled by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, and it does this by balancing the body’s fluids and releasing certain hormones at certain times. For example, when the body gets too hot, it secretes hormones that cause blood vessels to swell, which helps release heat into the air through the skin. The hypothalamus also helps activate the sweat glands to naturally cool the body.

However, if the hypothalamus is damaged after a traumatic brain injury, its ability to perform these functions may be impaired. As a result, heat sensitivity may develop. Symptoms that may indicate heat sensitivity after traumatic brain injury include:

Excessive sweating
Not sweating enough
Feeling excessively hot in mild temperatures

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Balance and vision problems

If the body is severely overheated and cannot regulate its temperature as required, heat stroke may occur. This can lead to redness of the skin, headaches, difficulty speaking and even loss of consciousness.

Treating heat sensitivity after traumatic brain injury.
Treating heat sensitivity involves both treating the symptoms and treating the underlying cause, which is traumatic brain injury. If you begin to feel excessively warm or experience other symptoms of heat sensitivity listed above, you should do everything you can to cool your body down. This includes sitting in front of a fan or in an air-conditioned room, drinking plenty of fluids, and placing a cool or damp towel on your skin. A cold shower is not advised if you have balance problems or may lose consciousness.

Proper clothing is also important if you suffer from heat sensitivity. Breathable clothing and hats that shield your face can prevent your body from getting too heated. for more visit www.gncdubai.com

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