10 tips for link building useful for the positioning of your site

Obtaining useful backlinks for positioning a insurance website on the search engine involves the application of a series of methodologies. In this article, you will find useful information to do link building correctly.

According to Google, a web page that is linked from many other pages, authoritative and relevant, external to the site that hosts it must include good content and for this reason, it is right that it is positioned among at the top of the SERP: acronym for Search Engine Results Pages, literally “search engine results page”. SERPs are web pages served to users when…

Of course, this is a simplification of the search engine analysis and classification process, which takes into account multiple factors of ranking. Get a good ranking for relevant keywords for …, but it’s useful for understanding how important i is still backlink.

Creating a link-building strategy is critical to getting an increase in organic traffic to your site because without a plan, it is unlikely that a considerable number of link citations will arrive from a platform outside of yours.

Here is a list of tips that can help you.

  • 1 A curated blog is the main tool of link building
  • 2 Focus on authority and build relationships to get quality backlinks
  • 3 Guest blogging: content for a link
  • 4 Links can come from your customers
  • 5 You can be the protagonist of the case study
  • 6 Make reviews of products, tools, services
  • 7 Beautiful and useful infographics are shared
  • 8 Create a useful tool for your target and link building
  • 9 Host free webinars
  • 10 News published in a timely manner are relaunched by other sites

A blog (short for “weblog”) is an “online newspaper”, curated as the main tool of link building

It is so obvious that often you don’t even think about it, so it is always useful to repeat that a blog with content that satisfies readers and that is updated on time is perhaps the most important tool for obtaining backlinks.

The reasoning is simple: an article well written and optimized following the dictates of SEO is read by many users, among them, there will be some who will link it from their sites or blogs.

For this you should curate your content and publish it constantly, making sure to choose themes that are closely related to your business.

Focus on authority and build relationships to get quality backlinks

If you follow the advice in point 1, your authority will increase article by article, because users will recognize you (or recognize your brand as the one who gives clear answers to their doubts.

By sharing your know-how online through quality content you will also attract the attention of other bloggers in your industry, who will be happy to receive your links to their blog posts, obviously relevant to your writings.

The thanks for your courtesy could be just the backlinks from some of those authoritative blogs.

This does not mean stuffing every content with outbound links to smooth the hair of other authors. You need to insert a link only if it is functional to the user who wants to deepen even more a topic partially covered in your post.

Guest blogging: content for a link

Writing content for someone else’s blog might seem like a waste of time after reading the first two points of this list of tips, but I assure you it isn’t.

Guest blogging means becoming a guest of another blogger, but you can ask to be paid with a backlink to your carefully written article.

Don’t worry, not only do you gain a link from the blog that hosts you to your site, e-commerce, blog, but also the owner who enriches his platform with useful information to position himself even better.

This is one of those win-win strategies. Just find the right bloggers to establish this type of relationship with.

Links can come from your customers

Imagine that you have finished a job for your client and that the results are excellent. If he permits you to disclose some details of the project, you can create a case study to publish on your blog or website.

The protagonist of this success story will be happy to share your content on his site by linking to your web page.

Maybe suggest that they post news with the best anchor text backlink for your strategy.

You can be the protagonist of the case study

What if your company achieved those excellent results mentioned in the previous paragraph? What if they ask you to give your availability to create a blog post dedicated to the work that has already benefited you?

Well, just ask for a link to a page on your site in the content and your PageRank will benefit.

You have to make sure that whoever links you is authoritative in the eyes of Google.

Again both sides win.

Create reviews of products, tools, services

In many works particular products, tools or services are used: why not review the most useful ones?

This type of content published on your site will help other people who do your job in choosing effective solutions and this could already generate spontaneous backlinks, but it could also be the company that produces that product, tool, service linking your content to show customers an external voice.

It is appropriate to include, from time to time, content of this type in the editorial plan of your blog. It will not be wasted time.

Beautiful and useful infographics are shared

“ A picture is worth a thousand words ” is a felt and resentful saying, but when it comes to a well-made infographic these words fit.

When you are writing an article and you realize that a topic can be summarized with a clear visual scheme, that is the time to stop and think about creating a beautiful image with precise information.

Really useful infographics are highly rated and can be easily shared by users. This results in another earned link for your site.

Create a useful tool for your target. The Target is consequently also … and your link building

Designing and publishing a digital tool that solves a widespread problem in your industry or that is better than others already present online will surely attract users in line with your business, so you will see the quality traffic on your site grow, and it is also a great one. link building strategy.

If the tool is useful it will be suggested by those who use it and, most likely, some will also put the link to quickly reach the dedicated page on your site.

Organize webinar.

Returning to the dissemination of know-how, webinars are certainly among the most used content in recent years.

Organize a series of online seminars in which you discuss topics that you know well and that can attract the public, create dedicated pages to present them, and which, after live sessions, users can download slides and other documents.

You can also create a podcast or share the webinar video, which will maximize the opportunity to earn backlinks.

News published in a timely manner is relaunched by other sites

This last method cannot be used by anyone, but those who have the opportunity to monitor “hot” topics for public opinion or, at least, for a well-defined niche of people can gain an incredible advantage by publishing news first.

Putting interesting news online promptly greatly increases the likelihood that the content will be relaunched by other sites which, if correct, should link to your web page


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