6 Pro tips for drywall – You should Know

Hanging drywall is becoming an art form, and professionals are developing their own techniques to get the job done quickly and efficiently. These tips, secrets, tips can be very useful for Dyers.

Here are six tips from the pros to make your DIY work faster and get better results.

Make sure the framing is flat, horizontal and flat

If the plane of the wall or ceiling is not flat from pin to pin or from the ceiling beam to the ceiling beam – or if the individual pins or beams are bent – the plasterboard panels will bend when fixed and lead to a finished wall or ceiling, special contours or even cracks. Before hanging the panels, use a long straight line and straightener to check that the wall and ceiling members are flat, solid and level. This may require planning members that protrude too far or blocking others. However, for perfect drywall work, it is essential to adjust the plane, horizontal and plane of the wall and ceiling.

Install the drywall horizontally:

While professionals usually install drywall panels vertically in a commercial environment, they usually install them horizontally in residential buildings. Installing the panels horizontally means less stitching will be completed. In many rooms, the use of 12-foot-long drywall panels means there will be no vertical seams at all – there is only one horizontal seam between each pair of panels. From an engineering point of view, the horizontal installation of drywall increases the strength of the wall structure.

Mark the position of the pins on the ceiling and floor:

Before starting the installation, use clear pencil marks to register the center position of the ceiling and floor wall pins. This makes it easier to run the rows of drywall along the pins when you secure them. Many professionals fix fast chalk lines on the panels between the traces of the ceiling and the floor and then drive drywall screws every 16 inches on the tap. Make sure the cord stays light, or wipe it off after finishing to prevent bleeding.

Cut panels with a click:

The trick to cutting drywall lengthwise is to first cut one side of the board with an ordinary knife, then go to the back and crack the panel with your knees. If you find it in the right place, it will easily separate along the dotted line. Using the knife folded along the dotted line, use the knife to slice it along the fold from the opposite side to complete the cut. For Plumbing Consult Here

Use the correct screws – and tighten them properly:

Pros make it difficult to use the right drywall screws – this means coarse thread screws rather than fine threads. And make sure the length is right – use 1 1/4 inch long screws for standard 1/2 inch thick drywall. Coarse bolts drive more easily and have better holding capacity than fine threaded bolts.

Make sure that the screw heads do not puncture the paper surface of the drywall panels.

The grooved head of the screws should visibly deepen the paper so that they sink under the face, but if the paper tears or the screw heads pierce the gypsum core, the screw will lose its holding power. If this happens, install a new screw in the faulty neighborhood.

After driving all the screws, run your hand or hammer head over all the surfaces where the screws are driven. Even the slightest protrusion can ruin the surface, so if you find bumps or protrusions, cut off the paper and fill the pit with drywall compound.

Otherwise, professionals almost never use drywall nails when hanging panels, preferring screws pulled in with a drywall sub machine gun. If you want to hang drywall in a professional way, give up your drywall nails and learn how to use drywall screws.

Use the tools preferred by professionals:

If you need to hang a lot of drywall or work alone, it can be especially helpful to use tools used by professionals. Most rentals are in large interior design centers or tool rentals.

Drywall Gun: This special type of drill drive has a clutch that prevents the screws from being driven too deep. They work much better than traditional drill drivers.
Hydraulic Drywall Lift: This tool makes it very easy to lift the entire drywall panels to the top position when finishing the ceilings. With the help of the plasterboard lifter, this work can be done without helpers.

Drywall Rotary Saw: These tools are essentially a small rotary router that makes it easy to cut out sockets and switches. The thin rotating blade can be easily sliced ​​through the drywall.


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