Baton Rouge Ranks As One of America’s Rainiest Cities—Here’s What That Means for Lawn Care

When it comes to rainfall, Baton Rouge is no slouch. In fact, according to recent data, the capital city of Louisiana ranks as one of the rainiest cities in America. In an average year, Baton Rouge receives around 60 inches of rain—that’s nearly five feet! To put that into perspective, the average American city only sees around 40 inches of rain in a year.

So, what does all this rain mean for those of us who live in Baton Rouge? Well, for one thing, it means that our lawns need a little extra TLC. Here’s a look at why too much rain can be bad for your lawn—and what you can do to fix the problem.

The Dangers of Excess Rainfall

While a little bit of rain is good for your lawn—it helps to keep the grass healthy and green—too much rain can actually be quite damaging. When your lawn is soaked day after day, it can start to develop mold and mildew growth, which can lead to yellow patches and thinning grass. Excess moisture can also cause your lawn to develop fungus problems, like red thread or dollar spot. Not only does this ruin the appearance of your lawn, but it can also weaken the grass, making it more susceptible to disease and insect problems. 

In addition to promoting fungal growth, all that excess water can also drown your lawn’s root system. Grass needs oxygen to stay alive, and when the roots are constantly soaked, they don’t have a chance to get the oxygen they need. Over time, this can lead to serious damage—and even death—of your grass. 

Lawn Care Services to Combat Excess Rainfall 

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to combat the negative effects of all this rainfall. First and foremost, you need to ensure that your drainage system is working properly. If you have gutters installed on your home, make sure they are clear of debris so that water has somewhere to go when it falls from the sky. You may also want to consider installing a French drain or other type of drainage system in problem areas where water consistently puddles after a storm. 

In addition to improving drainage around your home, you also need to take steps to improve air circulation in your lawn. This will help prevent mold and mildew growth by allowing wet areas of your grass to dry out more quickly. One way you can improve air circulation is by mowing in different directions each week so that grass clippings aren’t left lying on top of wet areas (this will also help prevent those unsightly brown patches from forming). You may also want to consider aerating your lawn once or twice a year so that water and nutrients can penetrate down through the soil more easily. 

Last but not least, remember that regular fertilization and proper mowing practices are still important even if we are getting lots of rain here in Baton Rouge. Fertilizing helps promote strong root growth (which is key for surviving heavy rains), and proper mowing helps ensure that your grass is better able to negotiate soaking wet conditions.  

Stay Dry Out There!

Excess rainfall can be tough on your lawn—but by taking some preventative measures and investing in regular lawn care services, you can keep your yard looking its best all season long!

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