Top 10 SMS Marketing Tips for Businesses in Canada

SMS marketing has been a major part of global marketing for a number of years now. Canadian businesses are using it to connect with their customers and increase sales.

In this article, we will be going over the top 10 tips for Canadian businesses who want to use SMS marketing to grow their business. We will walk you through the process as well as provide some examples of how other successful companies have used this form of advertising.

However, let’s dive into the article on SMS marketing Canada:

Why SMS Marketing Is Important

SMS marketing is a form of direct marketing that utilizes text messages to reach customers with brand communications. It’s a powerful tool for businesses because the recipients opt-in to receive them, there’s no need for an internet connection, and it works internationally.

It’s easy to see why businesses would want to use SMS marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy. There are several reasons why SMS is so popular among business owners:

1) Allows you to target your chosen audience at any time

2) Can be used even if your customer doesn’t have internet access

3) Messages are delivered instantly

4) They require no installation on the recipient’s phone, so there’s no commitment required

How to get started with SMS Marketing

The first step to getting started with SMS marketing is to contact an SMS aggregator. They will provide you with a platform that will manage your messages, create campaigns, and send them out.

Once you have this setup, the next step is to create the content for your messages. You want each message to be concise and clear so that people will understand it without any confusion. The message should also contain something of value so people are encouraged to take action after reading it.

To help get an idea of what content would work best for your business, you can think about what you want customers to know about your company or products. If you’re not sure where to start, research other successful companies to see what they share in their messages.

Once you’ve created the content, all that’s left is sending out your messages! Make sure that when designing your message that you keep in mind how customers are using their devices (e.g., mobile phones). This way it’ll be easier for them to act on the message once they receive it via text message.


Types of content you can send to your customers

1. Promotional messages

2. Alerts for specials

3. Discount codes

4. Product or service announcements

5. Introducing new products or services

6. Updates on current promotions

7. Feedback forms

8. Contests and sweepstakes

9. Coupons for future purchases

10. Reminders of upcoming events

Examples of successful companies that use SMS marketing

Canadian businesses are using SMS marketing to increase sales and connect with their customers. Here are just a few of the top companies that have used SMS marketing to grow their business.


Rogers is one of the major cellular providers in Canada, so it’s no surprise they are able to use their user base to their advantage. With Rogers’ MyRogers app, you can stay connected with your service through alerts, contact customer service, and more.

Glad Group

Glad Group is a Greek company that sells products for home improvement. They use text messages to promote special deals or items on their website. They send out at least three promotional texts every day!

Kingston Whig-Standard

The Kingston Whig-Standard is a Canadian newspaper company that uses SMS messaging for two reasons: To inform subscribers about breaking news and events as well as send them surveys about what they want from the paper.

Tips for Canadian Businesses

1. SMS marketing can be used for more than just advertising

2. You should create a company-specific shortcode

3. You should set up geolocation to receive messages

4. Make sure the content you are sending is relevant to your customer’s needs

5. Use text messages to help with customer retention

6. Get creative with your messages and keep them short and concise

7. Make sure you are not violating any spam laws

8. Set up different messages for different days of the week/different times of the day

9. Create a subscription list so that customers have the option to receive messages or not

10. Send messages that are time-sensitive or related to sales

Make it interactive

One of the most important things you can do when sending out your SMS marketing is to make sure that they are interactive.

You want people to be able to engage with your message in some way. Make it personal by asking for feedback or inviting them to sign up.

This peer-to-peer interaction will help you keep your customers engaged and wanting more from your business.

Become a Mobile Marketer

Join the ranks of successful Canadian businesses.

In this article, we will be going over the top 10 tips for Canadian businesses who want to use SMS marketing to grow their business. We will walk you through the process as well as provide some examples of how other successful companies have used this form of advertising.


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