Types of dental veneers to improve the appearance of your smile

Types of dental veneers to improve the appearance of your smile

Your smile is like your identity card, your letter of introduction to society. A teething with an optimal appearance can open many doors for you both personally and professionally, since it is synonymous with being a person attentive to details and careful. Although, unfortunately, not all of us are born with a perfect smile . It can present certain defects, such as staining of the teeth, separation between them, small fractures or alterations in their shape and position. How can we correct these problems? A great option to consider are the different types of dental veneers.

In our dental clinic in Las Tablas and Sanchinarro we have the best experts in dental aesthetics to help you achieve the desired appearance of your smile. To do this, we are going to tell you what they are and the characteristics of the different variants of dental veneers.

Types of dental veneers

Dental veneers are thin sheets that adhere to the front of the tooth to improve its appearance. Considering the material with which they are made, we can differentiate two types:

Porcelain veneers

The durability, quality and naturalness of the results of porcelain veneers make them the most demanded option by our patients. They are highly recommended to correct more serious problems in the appearance of the smile. In addition, depending on how the part to be treated and what the problem is, a minimum contouring of it may be necessary, although not in all cases.

For their manufacture, our dentists in Las Tablas and Sanchinarro first take a mold of the prepared teeth and choose the proper shade for the veneers. It is then sent to a laboratory that will tailor the veneers to fit your teeth perfectly.

Composite veneers

Composite is an extremely resistant material composed of an organic matrix, inorganic filler particles and a coupling agent between the two components. These types of veneers are often used to make simple corrections, or when the patient is very young . Likewise, its placement does not require hardly any carving of the piece, which is why it is a more conservative treatment than its porcelain counterpart.

Their preparation is simplified and simpler, since they are carried out directly on the tooth itself on the day of the consultation.

Getting the look you want for your smile is very simple thanks to the different types of dental veneers that exist. 

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