Why am I not making money with my blog?

Some of you have experience as a blogger and already know that monetizing a blog is difficult and sometimes seems impossible. Others will have thought several times about how to become influential people on the net with the hope of earning immediately and easily.

I think that with a blog you can earn, but that the path to get to generate income is difficult and above all, it is always in constant change.

I think that what leads most of the projects to failure is the claim to earn important figures online and the illusion that this is simple and immediate and that therefore good posts written well and with useful news are enough to earn, perhaps using the only one. Adsense advertising.

Some time ago I wrote about this monetization system and on my Google+ account, I was immediately blown away by the comments of those who immediately objected that with Adsense you do not earn anything and that above all, after an initial profit, earnings are lowered.

I must say that I have no proof of this, but I have often heard and read often in the forums these types of statements that are certainly generic but testify to the disappointment of those who think that a couple of excellent posts are enough to become the Salvatore Aranzulla of any topic. The truth is that nobody gives money and that even online you need to build professionalism step by step before you can sell and offer something to which our users recognize a value.

There are several reasons why your blog is not making money. Let’s start with the simplest.

Your blog is not getting enough hits

In this case, the answer may seem simple, but before reaching this conclusion, try dividing your revenues by the number of users and/or views and you will get important data: revenues per user. The higher this figure, the more you have the possibility of increasing the visits to generate important revenues.

If your site already generates enough revenue per user, it means that you have already identified good ways to make money but you do not have enough users: it is therefore very important to increase the number of users.

Once this phase was quite simple, it was enough to write more articles, exchange the link with others and post the link on Facebook, Twitter or sharing sites to quickly increase your visibility and your ranking on google.

Today internet browsing has changed a lot, it no longer starts only from Google and, at least as far as I’m concerned, it has been restricted to a small number of sites that I visit daily.

This is why it is increasingly important not only to attract but to retain visitors by generating recurring visits and a sort of sense of belonging on the part of readers. This is why today a site cannot miss a curated and continuous newsletter and a page on the main social networks in which there must be interaction and not one-way communication from the blogger to the readers. By the way, if you like this article and this site help me grow and subscribe to the newsletter

You don’t use monetization tools

If visits aren’t the problem, the lack of revenue could be because you haven’t put in enough effort to find products or services your readers need.

Also in this case you cannot complain, but you can immediately run for cover by generating revenues with A Adsense or by signing up for affiliate programs.

Many suggest avoiding Adsense because it generates little revenue and is only suitable for sites that generate a lot of visits. I think instead that it can still be a good tool but that it must necessarily be accompanied by advertising and proposals more targeted to your users. Affiliate programs are precisely the way to generate revenue by selling products and services. I must say that for some sectors the possibilities are many, while for others it is more difficult to find products and services immediately. Even the ‘ affiliation with Amazon’ is a good program to start monetizing your efforts.

This blog, for example, has generated the largest earnings thanks to a single page dedicated to depositing accounts. The same has been for a long time at the top of the GOOGLE rankings for the search key “best deposit account” and at a time when the deposit account was a convenient tool, it generated many opening new accounts and therefore affiliate earnings.

At the moment this is no longer the case, but my goal in the coming months is to build a real community of people interested in topics related to money management, on which to monetize later in a serious and targeted manner, perhaps thanks to ad hoc agreements with financial operators.

It is always important in this regard not to deceive your reader, who always realizes the authenticity of what is written and therefore rightly penalizes attempts to sell products or services at all costs.

Your site is not monetizable

Potentially all ideas can be monetized, although obviously to a greater or lesser extent because some sectors are more suitable for prompt transformation into cash.

If your site is about travel it is not difficult to find ready monetization ideas. Maybe it is more difficult if it is about gossip or philosophy, but it is not excluded that you can find extremely profitable niches, even in areas that cannot be readily monetized.

What is more difficult is the selection between ideas that can make and products that can make you lose money and users since the temptation at least immediate when you open a blog or a site is to monetize immediately.

This is contraindicated because you must never forget that when a user clicks on an external link to your site, the user simply leaves your site without sometimes ever returning. Only if you think in this way will you be able to understand how monetization should not lose sight of the importance of maintaining a solid and lasting relationship with our users. In short, a subscription to our newsletter is better than click-on Adsense advertising. What do you think? At what stage are you in the development of your blog?

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